Filed under: Press Profiled on!

In the shameless act of self-promotion, I thought I’d share the latest press mention with everyone. Our friends at, a leading online fashion trend forecasting service, profiled Fashion Junkie in a “Market Intelligence” news story. Check out the complete profile right after the Jump!

image founder Fleischer says personal shopping service is on the rise, despite economic downturn
Posted On November 11, 2008 (1:38 pm)

imageDara Fleischer calls Fashion Junkie an “online style source for serial shoppers,” a business that would seem to be bracing for a severe downturn in today’s gloomy retail climate. But despite choppy retail waters, founder Dara Fleischer is finding that rather than shy away from spending, savvy consumers in search of smart investments are more prone to taking advantage of her services. “People are obviously shopping less, but people have to wake up and get dressed everyday so for me I’m always going to offer expert tips for looking and feeling your best,” Fleischer told Stylesight News in an interview. “People are always going to need that.”

Through blogs and emails from her website,, subscribers can discover new ways to update and reinvent their wardrobes, knowledge that any shopper can build on for the cost of a personal shopping trip with Fleischer herself.

With the unemployment rate on the rise and the value of the U.S. dollar still waning against international currencies, it would be safe to assume that her personal shopping business is taking a hard hit. Instead, Fleischer has noticed an uptick in requests for advice on what to wear on job interviews, and says that her European clientele has also increased.

“I get a lot of European clients who want to get good, affordable clothes,” she said, adding that her tours can serve as a cost-friendly alternative to Broadway shows. Fleischer recommends that tourists looking to shop for bargains invest in one of Fashion Junkie’s tours, which in addition to her expert advice, can lead to discounts at some of her retail partners, which includes SoHo’s popular shoe boutique Te Casan.

Group walking tours range from $100 per person for a group of four to $125 per person for a group of two or three, while individual private tours run $275. All shopping tours are available any day of the week, last for four hours, are tailored to each client’s need, and promise a one-of-a-kind tour of Manhattan’s neighborhoods such as the Lower East Side, Nolita and the West Village.

Fleischer prides herself on taking clients to stores that are “off the beaten path” and aptly refers to shopping tours as “Shopping Safaris” on her website.

Perhaps the most widely-discussed development in fashion today, aside from the sinking economy and investors’ woes, is how the style of the new first lady, Michelle Obama, is impacting the consumer mindset. Fleischer says that the new first lady embodies the bargain and quality-seeking attitude that she encourages in her clients.

“She is a perfect example of mixing low end and high end designers,” Fleischer explained, citing Mrs. Obama’s popular J.Crew set on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and her election-night dress by American designer Narciso Rodriguez.

So what would this self-proclaimed fashion junkie recommend for fall?

“Color is so huge right now,” Fleischer says. “With the depressed economy everyone is wearing black, but I say ‘give your wardrobe a shot of color.’” Fleischer also recommends that women invest in lace-adorned shoes and handbags, menswear-inspired vests, or a leather motorcycle jacket.

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Filed: Interviews, News & Views, Press Profiled on!

Our friends at, a sassy fashion PR source, featured Fashion Junkie in a Q&A about topics ranging from blogging to shopping. Check out the complete profile right here!


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Filed: Press

Tagged: Featured on Brand Habit!

Our friends at, an addictive fashion source, just featured a Q&A with FJ on a host of topics ranging from food to shopping. Click here to read the complete profile!

Check out Fashion Junkie

We have recently discovered primo fashion site Fashion Junkie. One fun and unique service they offer is private and group shopping safaris in NYC! Check out their site: Fashion Junkie and let us know what you think!

Here’s a Q&A with Fasion Junkie founder, Dara Fleischer (also a featured BrandHabit member):

Q: What one word best describes your website?
A: Fun, informative, and of course, fashionable. Sorry… it was tough to narrow it down to one word 😉

Q: What three words best describes your customer?
A: Confident, worldly and aware (of fashion trends).

Q: What makes your website different from the rest?
A: For starters, the eye-catching, ‘80’s-infused design. (FJ) – an online style source for “serial shoppers,” offers visitors my unique perspective on the latest fashion and beauty buzz. As the Founder and Editor of the site, I write and produce all the content – from the Fashion Junkie Fix email newsletters, to the Re-Tales Blog to the Shopping Safari guides, all of which are written in a witty, me-to-you tone that (I hope!) engages the reader. Plus, as a seasoned fashion and beauty editor (prior to re-launching Fashion Junkie in May ‘07, I worked in publishing at In Style Magazine and LOULOU Magazine), I’m privy to “insider” information such as new product launches, sample sales and store openings before anyone else.

Q: Name one person you would love to dress:
A: Funny you should ask.’s mission is to make the world a better-dressed place, one person at a time. It’s for this reason that I personally chaperone clients on tailor-made group and private NYC-based shopping tours. If you have a fashion emergency you need to fix, feel free to drop me a line at

Q: What article of clothing have you kept forever and why?
A: My wedding dress because I can’t bare the thought of giving it away… unless it’s for my own daughter, of course. I had the dress custom-made at Les Noces De Couture – a beautiful dress shop in Montreal, my place of birth.

Q: Finish the following sentence: In fashion, it is most important to be…
A: Yourself!

Q: If you did not pursue a retail career, what would you be doing?
A: It’s hard to imagine doing anything else. That said, I’ve always wanted to be a chef. I love to cook and am addicted to the Food Network TV show, Iron Chef.

Q: What is your current fashion fixation/fetish?
A: Funny you should ask. I’m still mourning the loss over a strapless Zac Posen pouf dress that recently sold out on I initially spotted the dress on the site back in April, but it was priced at a whopping $1,900, so I figured it would be best to wait ‘til they had a major sale. Clearly my head was in the clouds during the Memorial Day holiday, as the dress finally went on sale for 50% off! But… as luck would have it, I tuned-into a few hours too late. If anyone happens to come across a size 2, can you please let me know?!

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Filed: Press


Fashion Junkie on ABC NewsRadio!

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Filed: Press

Tagged: in The Wall Street Journal!

imageIn the shameless act of self-promotion, I thought I’d share the latest press mention with everyone. In case you forgot to read Sunday’s Wall Street Journal, was featured in an article about bargain shopping in the depressed economy.

Sadly, even I’ve experienced the ugliness of the recession first-hand. Case in point: my brand new Sidi spin shoes were just stolen at the gym! If you happen to find a pair of size 6 black and red Sidi’s (each shoe has a pink breast cancer tag) at Equinox on Broadway & 19th Street, they’re mine and I want them back! But I digress…

Here’s an excerpt from Wall Street Journal article, which is entitled “Where to Find a Break on Prices” and was written by Ruth Mantell.

Appealing for apparel discounts. Dara Fleischer, founder of, an online style source, says clothing shoppers can ask stores to cut prices.

“You can bargain,” Ms. Fleischer says. “Negotiate with a salesperson about a particular item, and they’ll likely shave off a few dollars. The retailers are so desperate to sell stock, you really just have to ask.”

Stores want to keep you not just as a customer, but as a returning customer, she says.

“Especially with independent boutiques, if you are a good shopper, if you mean business, they will definitely shave off a few dollars,” Ms. Fleischer adds.

For the shave-off strategy to work, it’s important to do some comparison- shopping first – try other stores and the Internet – and be nice, she says. You can also ask for a discount of 10% to 15% off a price tag on merchandise with a little mark or a loose thread.

Click here to read the entire article.

By the way, how have you changed your shopping habits during these tight economic times? Don’t be shy… share your thoughts with the rest of the Fashion Junkie community!

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Filed: Press
