Press Quotes | Fashion Junkie

Press Quotes

“ is a well-designed mix of whimsy and news. Dara (the Fashion Junkie) takes you shopping and supplies tips on buying clothes, along with A-list addresses and store information. The site also includes in-depth coverage of the latest fashions, presented with photos and detailed personal diaries.”

-The Wall Street Journal

“Creator of esoteric website, Dara Fleischer develops witty and informative essays. Her advice on personal shopping is instrumental for those poor dullards with a paucity of personal style. Fashion Junkie is a well-designed mix of whimsy and news.”

-TimeOut New York

“The VIP Treatment – tours are an efficient way for overbooked professionals to score new styles. Dara Fleischer, founder and editor of, does more than walk the streets with her clients. She acts as a celebrity stylist à la Phillip Bloch.”

– New York Daily News

“Dara Fleischer will take you shopping in New York for four hours. But unlike other shopping tours in New York, of which there are many, she is also a personal shopper, meaning she won’t just drop you off at stores, she’ll pick out clothes for you and be there to tell you when something looks good.”

-The National Post