Re-Tales: confessions of a shopaholic
Dara • Wednesday, January 30, 2013 •
As a follow-up to yesterday’s post regarding my compulsive shopping habit, I thought it only fitting to report on another downside of making so many impulse purchases. The obvious: I’m now stuck with dozens of barely worn designer shoes, handbags, coats and countless other items.
As a New York-based Fashion Junkie with no storage (yup… I’ve invaded all 3 closets in my apt, including my hubby’s and kids), I donate whatever castoffs I can to Housing Works every season. But the more coveted designer pieces a la Alexander Wang (size 6 feet, anyone?) and Gucci, are cramming my closets and desperately need a new and loving home. I’ve periodically posted on eBay and Craigslist, but feel they don’t always attract the kind of niche audience that I’m looking for. Plus, they’re lacking an expertly curated and social component that make online shopping that much more fun.
Lucky for me, the business of luxury online fashion resale is booming. Throughout the last year alone, a proliferation of sites such as Material Wrld, Vaunte, The Real Real, Posh Mark, Shop Hers, Copious and Covetique have set up shop, each offering their distinct take on how to best feature pre-owned designer wares culled from fashion influencers and in some cases, celebs. Aside from the fun and addictive social elements such as building-up a following of like-minded serial shoppers, the biggest benefit of joining said communities: hard core Fashion Junkie’s, including yours truly, can continuously refresh your wardrobe with one-of-a-kind luxury finds at a fraction of the retail cost while cashing-in on items that would normally collect dust and clutter your closet. On that note, you can find a handful of my very own closet castoffs up for grabs on Material Wrld.
Happy Shopping!

Alexander Wang Leather Booties, Size 6

Gucci aviator frames. bought at Ideeli’s NYC headquarters – never worn!

Pour La Victoire pony-hair leopard print wedges, size 6

See by Chloe Suede Knee-High Slouch Boots, Size 6
Dara • Tuesday, January 29, 2013 •

Fashion Junkie Comes Clean
It’s hard to believe David Letterman, one of my favorite comedians, admitted he suffered from severe depression for 6 agonizing months. I watched his surprising confession on the Oprah Winfrey Network the other night and asked myself, “How could such an incredibly talented and successful person, beloved by so many, suffer from depression?” Then I thought, if only he went shopping!
Joking aside, I too happen to suffer from mild, situational depression along with 19 other adult Americans. But rather than turn to serotonin-enhancing drugs a la Prozac, I’ve masked my symptoms over the years via daily exercise and sadly, compulsive shopping. While I’m not proud of this behavior, nor am I asking for your sympathy, in light of Lance Armstrong’s recent confession, I felt that now seemed like an opportune time to air my dirty laundry.
The reality is depression and compulsive shopping (a.k.a. oniomania, yes, there’s even a clinical name for it) are inextricably linked, with the latter affecting roughly 6% of the American population. I’ve always been aware of my affliction, but, until now, I felt too proud to face the all too many, well-dressed skeletons in my closet. While I won’t divulge exactly how much damage I’ve done to my depleting savings account until Oprah asks me, I am ready to come clean and admit that retail therapy is only a BandAid solution to a much bigger problem. In case you’re wondering, the rush of euphoria that comes from receiving a “present” in the mail pales in comparison to the regret, feelings of guilt and costliness, which lasts far beyond the next fashion season’s new arrivals.
With the proliferation and ease of online shopping, ubiquitous in-store and online retail promotions (end of season sales are my downfall) and advent of flash-sale sites, it’s no surprise compulsive shopping and shopping bulimia (my personal vice thanks to free shipping and returns) has become so widespread. It came to no surprise that even the Oxygen network debuted a show last fall entitled, “My Shopping Addiction.” For further insight regarding oniomania warning signs and treatment, check out Fashion Junkie’s interview with compulsive shopping expert Terry Shulman.
As a first ditch effort in my recovery, I’m asking the Fashion Junkie community for your support and guidance every step of the way of my rehabilitation. From here on in, every time I get that craving for a coveted pair of Alexander Wang pointy-toe pumps, a buttery-soft leather motorcycle jacket (a major compulsion of mine thanks to Mackage) or an outlandishly priced Celine handbag (surprisingly, something I still don’t own), I promise to post said item on this site and solicit your advice before pulling the trigger. With your help, I’m hoping that this crowd-solving experiment of mine will put me on the road to recovery.
Fashion Junkie
Dara • Friday, January 25, 2013 •

Dara Fleischer… Your Shopping Chaperone
Welcome to the revamped,! I’ve spent the past few months shopping (naturally) and overhauling the site, giving it a much-needed facelift. Version 3.0, if you will. You’ll find the same Fashion Junkie Fixations that you’ve come to know and love such as my globe-trekking shopping safari adventures, Shop Talk, Clothes Encounters, Beauti-Fixations and of course, personal shopping services and tailor-made NYC shopping tours. You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve also added some exciting new things into the mix, including:
So, without further adieu, I invite you to explore Fashion Junkie 3.0. Let me know what you think… I love hearing from you.
Happy Shopping!
Dara • Thursday, September 27, 2012 •
Looking to inject a little joie de vivre into your wardrobe? Lucky for you, a plethora of hipster Parisian-based boutiques recently landed stateside. With kooky names like The Kooples, Zadig & Voltaire and Maje, these ultra cool outposts offer the crème de la crème in contemporary fashion. Herein, some sweet French finds to suit every style and budget. Sorry, Laduree macarons not included.
Channel your inner Rachel Zoe (but French) with flirty ‘n feminine staples from this trés chic Parisian chain. I’m crushing over pretty much everything, including this two-toned lace top, punchy crimson coat (Fall’s “It Color”) and eye-popping electric blue blazer. The ultimate pièce de resistance: a studded black leather cuff. Available at Bloomingdale’s shop-in-shops and Prices range from $79 – $1,200.
This hipper sister store to Maje stocks a stellar rotation of on-trend Boho-chic staples that exude that special je ne sais quoi. Available at Bloomingdale’s shop-in-shops and Click here for store locations.
You just might go cuckoo over this edgy masstige label. Note the sleek Savile Row-inspired tailoring and androgynous vibe. Strikingly similar to All Saints, n’est-ce pas? Available at select Bloomingdale’s locations. NYC flagship coming soon. Prices range from $50 to $550. Visit
Rock ‘n roll accents and somber shades rule at this posh Parisian paradise. Though made to look like effortlessly chic street fashion, the price tags beg to differ. Reluctantly, I’ve become a bonafide Zadigian. Available at select Bloomingdale’s. Click here for flagship store locations in NYC and L.A. Prices range from $65-$900. Visit

Other French newcomers guaranteed to empty your wallet: Celine, Jerome Dreyfuss, Isabel Marant, Comptoir des Cotonniers and Surface To Air. Happy spending!

Dara • Thursday, September 27, 2012 •
What does modern dentistry and jewelry have in common? Quite a lot, according to Sabine Le Guyader and Jill Martinelli, the dynamic duo behind Lady Grey, a wickedly fashionable line of homegrown baubles.
Martinelli and Le Guyader got their start in prosthetic dentistry and orthodontics, while earning bachelor’s degrees for metalsmithing and jewelry design. How apropos! Named after Lady Jane Grey, the naughty wife of King Henry VIII who was beheaded for adultery after only nine days on the throne, this line of grisly, yet gorgeous hardware will instantly transform even your most frightful frocks into an unexpected masterpiece.
I’m digging their claw-like bracelets adorned with human teeth (cast in gold, silver and bronze), all meticulously handcrafted with torches (don’t try this at home!), special molds, metal-welding and other daunting devices you might find in your dentist’s office. That, or a Medieval torture chamber.
Unleash your devilish side and reinvigorate your wardrobe with eye-catching spear necklaces encrusted in silver bismuth, apex-shaped studs and gold-brushed cuffs with spikes…without fear of retribution. Get your Lady Jane fix at Pieces start from $199.