Sally Tseng Trunkshow!

imageIf you happen to live in or around the NYC Metro area, here’s something you might wanna check out.

Sally Tseng, a Big Apple-based designer who’s known for her meticulously tailored and fashion-forward frocks, is throwing an exclusive trunkshow at Jirisuda (a hot NoLita boutique) tomorrow night.

Round-up your posse and head to Jirisuda to sip some bubbly, schmooze and of course, shop! Plus, you’ll receive a 10% discount on all Sally Tseng items purchased at the event.

Happy shopping!

The Retail Details!
What: Sally Tseng Trunkshow
Where: Jirisuda, 248 Elizabeth Street, NYC (btw Prince & Houston)
When: Thursday, May 8th
Time: 5-8pm
Phone: 212-941-1101

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