NaturallyCurly Scavenger Hunt!

imageCalling all curly girls!, the world’s largest social networking “curl-munity” has joined a team of fabulous partners, including yours truly, to create a fun, prize-filled online Scavenger Hunt, starting today through April 28th, 2008.

Simply scavenge NaturallyCurly’s website throughout April to find the correct answers to 5 curly-related questions (e.g. What’s the best frizz buster on the market?). Correctly answer ‘em all and you’ll have the chance to win a curl-tastic prize package, which includes $350 in gift cards and irresistible swag from NaturallyCurly, LUSH, Bluefly, Rae Cosmetics, ambermag, and hangPROUD. Return to NaturallyCurly each following week in April to answer a new set of questions and earn chances at weekly prize packages.

But wait, there’s more! Answer all 20 curly questions correctly over the course of the month, and you could win the “Rockingest of Ringlets” grand prize: a $5,000 getaway (yes, $5,000!) to NYC for you and a friend! This ultimate prize package includes airfare and hotel, a curl makeover with Ouidad (the Queen of Curl) at her swanky flagship salon, beauty boo-tay and many more amazing treats. Perhaps the best prize of all: a tailor-made, guided “NYC Shopping Safari,” courtesy of!

Just by registering for the contest, you’ll automatically receive a 15% discount from CurlMart, NaturallyCurly’s e-boutique, and at LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics, on your next online orders in April. Don’t delay – start playing NaturallyCurly’s online scavenger hunt today!

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Filed: Beauti-Fixation

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