Posts tagged Online Profiled on!

Our friends at, a sassy fashion PR source, featured Fashion Junkie in a Q&A about topics ranging from blogging to shopping. Check out the complete profile right here!


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Tagged: Featured on Brand Habit!

Our friends at, an addictive fashion source, just featured a Q&A with FJ on a host of topics ranging from food to shopping. Click here to read the complete profile!

Check out Fashion Junkie

We have recently discovered primo fashion site Fashion Junkie. One fun and unique service they offer is private and group shopping safaris in NYC! Check out their site: Fashion Junkie and let us know what you think!

Here’s a Q&A with Fasion Junkie founder, Dara Fleischer (also a featured BrandHabit member):

Q: What one word best describes your website?
A: Fun, informative, and of course, fashionable. Sorry… it was tough to narrow it down to one word 😉

Q: What three words best describes your customer?
A: Confident, worldly and aware (of fashion trends).

Q: What makes your website different from the rest?
A: For starters, the eye-catching, ‘80’s-infused design. (FJ) – an online style source for “serial shoppers,” offers visitors my unique perspective on the latest fashion and beauty buzz. As the Founder and Editor of the site, I write and produce all the content – from the Fashion Junkie Fix email newsletters, to the Re-Tales Blog to the Shopping Safari guides, all of which are written in a witty, me-to-you tone that (I hope!) engages the reader. Plus, as a seasoned fashion and beauty editor (prior to re-launching Fashion Junkie in May ‘07, I worked in publishing at In Style Magazine and LOULOU Magazine), I’m privy to “insider” information such as new product launches, sample sales and store openings before anyone else.

Q: Name one person you would love to dress:
A: Funny you should ask.’s mission is to make the world a better-dressed place, one person at a time. It’s for this reason that I personally chaperone clients on tailor-made group and private NYC-based shopping tours. If you have a fashion emergency you need to fix, feel free to drop me a line at

Q: What article of clothing have you kept forever and why?
A: My wedding dress because I can’t bare the thought of giving it away… unless it’s for my own daughter, of course. I had the dress custom-made at Les Noces De Couture – a beautiful dress shop in Montreal, my place of birth.

Q: Finish the following sentence: In fashion, it is most important to be…
A: Yourself!

Q: If you did not pursue a retail career, what would you be doing?
A: It’s hard to imagine doing anything else. That said, I’ve always wanted to be a chef. I love to cook and am addicted to the Food Network TV show, Iron Chef.

Q: What is your current fashion fixation/fetish?
A: Funny you should ask. I’m still mourning the loss over a strapless Zac Posen pouf dress that recently sold out on I initially spotted the dress on the site back in April, but it was priced at a whopping $1,900, so I figured it would be best to wait ‘til they had a major sale. Clearly my head was in the clouds during the Memorial Day holiday, as the dress finally went on sale for 50% off! But… as luck would have it, I tuned-into a few hours too late. If anyone happens to come across a size 2, can you please let me know?!

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Tagged:’s tailor-made, NYC shopping tours were profiled on! Check out the fab review right here!

“Going to New York, but have no idea where to start shopping? Dara Fleischer, mastermind behind, is here to help. She is well-versed in the urban jungle that is Manhattan, and offers tailor-made “shopping safaris” to help you and your friends navigate through the boutiques, sample sales, and department stores. Be it accessories, lingerie, bargains, vintage, or simply clothes that you’re in the market for, this fashion travel agent has got you covered!”


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