Extra, Extra! Read All About It!
In case the thought may have crossed your mind, I haven’t been neglecting you. I simply didn’t send out a Fashion Junkie Fix last week due to the Memorial Day holiday. Cut me some slack… a girl’s gotta take time off for some power shopping every now and then! But I’m back now (better dressed although much poorer), with a round-up of this week’s “Re-Tales” posts:
Fashion Junkie Featured on ABC NewsRadio… and PRCouture.com!
When it rains, it pours! Not only was FashionJunkie.com just featured in The Wall Street Journal, but FJ also provided tips for a live Komo 1000 NewsRadio broadcast in Seattle (ABC affiliate) about finding bargains in the depressed economy. To hear the voice behind the caricature, tune in right here!
Plus, our friends at PRCouture.com, a sassy fashion PR source, just featured a Q&A with FJ on a host of topics ranging from blogging to shopping. Click here to read the complete profile!
Look Out for Luxury “Flash Sale” Sites!
Have you been invited to shop at Ideeli.com yet? In case you haven’t joined the club yet, Ideeli is a members-only luxury sample-sale site that’s the biggest thing to happen to shopping since Al Gore “invented” the Internet. In fact, I just wrote about this trend on the Fashion Junkie “Re-Tales” Blog. Read the post right here!
Exclusive Ideeli.com Deal Just For YOU!
Since Fashion Junkie is all about sharing the love, we’ve arranged a FREE membership to Ideeli.com exclusively for FJ subscribers. Once you’ve signed-up, you’ll receive an e-vite to a new designer sale each day, from deeply discounted Prada purses to Gucci shades! Plus, when you register, you’ll automatically get $25 off any Ideeli item of your choice. Happy shopping!
If you have a fashion emergency or need some retail therapy, drop me a line at contact@fashionjunkie.com!
-Fashion Junkie
Filed: Clothes Encounters
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