Happy Anniversary!
Not only am I celebrating my birthday this week, but FashionJunkie.com is also gearing up for its first anniversary. While I’m not expecting any presents, I will be treating myself to a day off. Woo hoo! To celebrate, I’m offering you, dear reader, an opportunity to take over the reigns by writing a guest Fashion Junkie Re-Tales blog post! Just send in your fashion or beauty posts to contact@fashionjunkie.com no later than Sunday, May 11th and I’ll announce the winner in next Monday’s newsletter. In the meantime, make sure to check out this week’s Re-Tales Blog Round-Up.
Fashion Junkie Profiled on Coupon Cowgirl!
In the shameless act of self-promotion, I thought I’d share the latest Fashion Junkie profile with everyone. Our friends at CouponCowgirl.com – a sassy social shopping site that brings you the best online deals, bargains and coupon codes to use towards your favorite products and brands, posted this kickin’ FJ overview. Yee haw! Click here to read more!
Shrink Wrap: the latest in Retail Therapy:
According to an article in last week’s WWD, specialty boutique sales staff in NYC and L.A. have become stand-in shrinks for their regular customers. A number of salespeople provided hysterical anecdotes about certain high-maintenance shoppers, some of whom think it’s normal behavior to prance around a boutique in nothing but their skivvies. However, in my humble opinion, the most amusing part of the article is its classification of shoppers into five humorous categories. If you’re a shopaholic or know someone who is (don’t we all?), click here to read more!
Rain Busters:
Although I meant to post a rain-busters round-up in April, I figured you would still find this entry useful given May’s grim weather forecast. Click here to read about the hottest waterproof wardrobe staples.
Stay tuned for next week’s shopping obsessions and confessions! And if you have a fashion emergency or need some retail therapy, drop me a line at contact@fashionjunkie.com – I love hearing from you!
-Fashion Junkie
Filed: Clothes Encounters
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