in The Wall Street Journal!
In the shameless act of self-promotion, I thought I’d share the latest press mention with everyone. In case you forgot to read Sunday’s Wall Street Journal, was featured in an article about bargain shopping in the depressed economy.
Sadly, even I’ve experienced the ugliness of the recession first-hand. Case in point: my brand new Sidi spin shoes were just stolen at the gym! If you happen to find a pair of size 6 black and red Sidi’s (each shoe has a pink breast cancer tag) at Equinox on Broadway & 19th Street, they’re mine and I want them back! But I digress…
Here’s an excerpt from Wall Street Journal article, which is entitled “Where to Find a Break on Prices” and was written by Ruth Mantell.
Appealing for apparel discounts. Dara Fleischer, founder of, an online style source, says clothing shoppers can ask stores to cut prices.
“You can bargain,” Ms. Fleischer says. “Negotiate with a salesperson about a particular item, and they’ll likely shave off a few dollars. The retailers are so desperate to sell stock, you really just have to ask.”
Stores want to keep you not just as a customer, but as a returning customer, she says.
“Especially with independent boutiques, if you are a good shopper, if you mean business, they will definitely shave off a few dollars,” Ms. Fleischer adds.
For the shave-off strategy to work, it’s important to do some comparison- shopping first – try other stores and the Internet – and be nice, she says. You can also ask for a discount of 10% to 15% off a price tag on merchandise with a little mark or a loose thread.
Click here to read the entire article.
By the way, how have you changed your shopping habits during these tight economic times? Don’t be shy… share your thoughts with the rest of the Fashion Junkie community!
Filed: Press
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